Original information from THE SUN, JANIE'S SITE and Wikipedia. When you think of a world class motorcycle enthusiast, racer and expert what do you think of??? I'll wait... Well most of

you might think a typical caucasian male. Well get that thought the hell out of your head so you can replace it with a two-wheel loving diva who is a true motorcycle aficionado or aficionada. She is JANIE OMOROGBE the beautiful queen of bikes that has set Europe on fire with her endless knowledge and riding skill on a bike. Before doing what she loves best... RIDING and RIDING SOME MORE, the UK native did many incredible things before grabing her helmet and leather riding suit for a living. She was an ambulance driver/advanced first aid technician, successful

model, winner of beauty contests, but more notable as RIO on the hit British version of GLADIATOR. Speaking of the warriors of old that did battle in Greek coliseums, she played one in the hit movie of 2000 "GLADIATOR" as the bow and arrow wielding warrior on a chariot that was later cut in half by that same chariot. After great success on many levels she choose a new endeavor, showing the world that not only women can ride a motorcycle but could ride extremely well. Janie is a born rider, being an avid track racer as well as a long distant rough terrain rider. She also showcased her natural talent as an on-air personality on show after successful show hosting UK television's "Car Crazy Rio", "Top Bikes", "Two Wheels", "Revved Up", "Teen Trials", "Pit Stop Bikes", "Pulling Power", "Top Gear" and "Frans Angels". Now if that was not enough she proved to be a great jounalist on the widely syndicated UK news papers THE SUN and THE TIMES with her own column on every motorcycle.
I can't convey it any clearer that Janie's resume of bikes has to make her the foremost expert on

motorcycles, BAR NONE. THERE IS NO ONE IN HISTORY THAT HAS RIDEN AS MANY MOTORCYCLES THAN HER. Janie loves her job very much, as everyone that comes in contact with her can tell. She is truly and inspiration for everyone to aspire to be in the motorcycle world and then some. Success for her just comes with ease and she is a true testament to hard work paying off. The one thing that can never be over looked is her statuesque physique that stands a

perfect 6' 2". Even though her dimensions make every man drool, it is her high expectations, never ending drive and bright intelect that have made her a true achiever of greatness. I am proud not only that she is black but that she is a woman that stands proud showing that it is not the gender or color that makes a great rider, but the tenacity and love of motorcycles that makes you a better rider. I hope to become as good as she is. Riders twist the throttle for a legendary rider phenom... JANIE OMOROGBE!!!!

It should also be known that Janie is a great giver as well as organizer of charities know as The Variety Club’s Children’s Charity and Sparks
1 comment:
I just found her while looking up info on the Gladius.
(well, I looking around for pictures trying formulate an idea of what it'd look like stripped of all the extra silver crud and plastic madness...)
Her res is impressive indeed.
I'm even less happy about that scene from Gladiator now.
Very nice blog. Thanks for documenting the perspective.
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